Taking Charge: Prostate Cancer Awareness
Prostate Cancer Guide (ScreenNJ 2024) Download >> ScreenNJ Community Guide for Advocates for Health Living Initiatives
Validating the Impact of a Community-Engaged Approach on Persistence with Digital Technology Among Older Adults
By Epiphany Munz, Donita Devance, and Diane Hill, Ph.D. The Office of University-Community Partnerships/Center for Health Equity and Community Engagement (OUCP/CHECE) and Advocates for Healthy Living Initiative (AHLI) approach to keep older adults engaged and active...
Insights on Ageism, Health Care, and the Digital Divide
by Epiphany Munz, Donita Devance, Diane Hill, Ph.D.
Advocates for Healthy Living Initiative (AHLI) provides our elders with tools and information to live healthier lives. Through base building and collaborations with community and faith-based organizations, we serve as partners in promoting health equity in our community.
Reduce health disparities, promote health equity, and improve the quality of life among urban seniors through transdisciplinary education, targeted intervention, base building, and collaborative, community-based partnerships.
Seniors thrive in an environment supported by health advocates and community partners working to increase health literacy, improve healthy living practices, and reduce health disparities, morbidity, and mortality from preventable causes.