Newark Fairmount Promise Neighborhood


The Newark Fairmount Promise Neighborhood (NFPN) is a collective impact program model that brings together residents, public and private partners to develop, deliver and monitor a continuum of high-quality programs and supportive services for children in one of Newark’s most distressed communities. The Office of University-Community Partnerships received a U.S. Department of Education Promise Neighborhood planning grant in December 2012. The vision of the federal program is that all children and youth growing up in Promise Neighborhoods have access to attain an excellent education and successfully transition to college and a career.

NFPN’s function is to coordinate education, health and other social services into a high quality system of supports for all youth in Fairmount from birth to college and career.  The goal is to transform Fairmount into a community of opportunity that holistically supports the development of all children and youth in the neighborhood. NFPN’s recognizes that when communities thrive, families thrive and children thrive.

NFPN’s managing partners include the Urban League of Essex County, the United Way of Essex and West Hudson, in partnership with the Newark Public Schools and Programs for Parents.