Guiding Principles of Community Engaged Research

Guiding Principles of Community Engaged Research

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Transdisciplinary Intergenerational Community Engagement Model (TICEM)

TICEM incorporates interaction and feedback from community-based stakeholders. Embracing each element in project or research design helps prospective university-community partners—organizations, intermediaries, community residents and stakeholders as well as university faculty, staff, and students—mitigate negative perceptions and fears that hinder productive and sustainable relationships.


1 Involve community representation in all stages of program development and/or research design and implementation
2 Build trust between stakeholders
3 Leverage existing resources and opportunities
4 Foster reciprocity among stakeholders
5 Promote sustainable relationships and partnerships
6 Harness opportunities for intergenerational interaction to promote sustainability
7 Acknowledge and embrace value & encourage mutual respect among all parties inclusive of age, educational attainment, social status, etc.
8 Integrate expertise brought by the various stakeholders
9 Address context and stimulate transformative change
10 Align goals & actions to produce usable information for all
11 Engage neutral conveners to reduce biases and ensure smooth and effective implementation

Copyright © 2021 Center for Health Equity and Community Engagement, Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey. All rights reserved